Fucci Law


Paulo Eduardo Fucci is a founding partner of Fucci Sociedade de Advogados, previously known as Paulo Eduardo Fucci Sociedade de Advogados. Since at least 1986, he has been dedicated to consulting, offering legal opinions and handling related cases, mostly with respect to contracts and real estate law; incorporation of real estate; civil construction; condominiums; real estate allotment; real estate rental; property matters, such as regulation, acquisition or purchase and sale, administration, and risk management; title registration; possession of assets and everything else that is related to these segments.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Sao Paulo (USP), having graduated in 1988, and is a registered attorney and member of the OAB/SP, inscription number nº 99.526. He was a founding partner of the firms Biasi Ruggiero & Fucci Advogados and Paulo Eduardo Fucci Advocacia, as well as a senior partner at Dinamarco, Rossi, Beraldo & Bedaque Advocacia.

He has been named by the departments of culture at the São Paulo Bar Association and the Association of Lawyers from Sao Paulo (AASP) to coordinate and give lectures throughout the state of São Paulo, including in the capital.

He is a collaborator at a host of magazines and newspapers through interviews and published many articles. These include “O Estado de S. Paulo”; “Folha de São Paulo”; “Jornal da Tarde”; “Folha da Tarde”; “Gazeta Mercantil”; “Jornal do IBAPE/SP; “DCI”; “Diário do Comércio”; “Tribuna do Direito”; “Diário de Notícias”; “Revista dos Tribunais”; “Revista do Advogado” (AASP); “Revista de Direito Imobiliário” (IRIB); “Boletim IRIB”; and “Repertório de Jurisprudência IOB”, in addition to the electronic publications Registradores, Editora Magister, and Migalhas.


_Condomínio, Estatuto da Cidade e Novo Código Civil. São Paulo – SP. Juarez de Oliveira: 2003
_Reforma da Lei do Inquilinato. São Paulo – SP. Saraiva: 2010
_A Evolução do Processo Civil Brasileiro, Vol. 2, as co-author. Coord.: Mauricio Giannico and Vitor José de Mello Monteiro. São Paulo – SP. Saraiva. 2012